Known and Loved
7 January 2024
Have you ever longed for someone who truly knows you and understands what you’re going through? This week we see from Pslam 139 that because God truly knows us and is with us through his king Jesus, even in trouble and suffering we can be amazed, be comforted, praise Him and cry out to Him for help.
Passage: Psalm 139

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The Light

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus, but who are we really dealing with? This week we see from John 1:6-13 that Jesus is the light of life who came into the world so that those who receive Him can become God’s children.

Passage: John 1:6-13

God With Us in Person

Christmas is about God with us. John tells us God has always personally communicated to us like a father with his family, especially at Christmas. We see from John 1:1-5 that Jesus is the Word who created everything and so has the blinding power to create unquenchable new life for us.

Passage: John 1:1-5

Adoption – Sinners Made God’s Sons

How is adoption the climax of the Bible and the ultimate blessing of Christianity? This week we look at our last and ultimate Big Word in God’s Big Plan: Adoption – Sinners Made God’s Sons. We see from Galatians 3:23-4:7 that in Christ, we are adopted as God’s sons so that we may live as His children.

Passage: Galatians 3:23-4:7