Asking for a King
22 October 2023
Would you trade in a brand new Ferrari for a beat up old Corolla? No way! But sometimes, we don’t realise how good we’ve got it and we trade what is good for something worse. But the ultimate tragedy is that we all do this with God. This week we hear from 1 Samuel 8 how rejecting God’s rule always leads to slavery, suffering and loss, but coming under the good rule of God’s king means life.
Passage: 1 Samuel 8

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Adoption – Sinners Made God’s Sons

How is adoption the climax of the Bible and the ultimate blessing of Christianity? This week we look at our last and ultimate Big Word in God’s Big Plan: Adoption – Sinners Made God’s Sons. We see from Galatians 3:23-4:7 that in Christ, we are adopted as God’s sons so that we may live as His children.

Passage: Galatians 3:23-4:7

Redemption – Sinners Bought by God

What do you need to see real, long-term change in your life? Just trying harder won’t do it. Guilt and shame won’t work long-term. It’s only God’s grace that can do it… This week we look at our next Big Word in God’s Big Plan: Redemption – Sinners Bought by God. We see from Titus 2:11-14 that in Jesus, God paid the price to redeem us from sin so we live for Him, able to turn away from sin and grow in Godliness by his grace.

Passage: Tiitus 2:11-14, Deuteronomy 7:6-11

Resurrection – Raised from death to eternal life

If you’re united to Jesus by faith, then you get a new life now and a new body in the future. In our new life we consider ourselves as dead to sin and we conduct ourselves by presenting ourselves to God as instruments for doing righteousness. This week we look at our next Big Word in God’s Big Plan: Resurrection – Raised from death to eternal life. We see from Romans 6:1-14 that because Jesus has been raised from the dead, we’ve been given new life to live for Him.

Passage: Romans 6:1-14